Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Moved, and the Not Improved

A quilt, mind you. We should all instead draw deep breaths from the Earth and buffer up for the outdoors!

Well! In addition to all that has been going on at the lot, this virtual archive has been moved. Welcome to the new and more efficient blog space.

Gentle readers, the situation has not improved. Construction and shooting continues on the set for the 'other' production. My agent says that it is all within the confines of my contract, although I don't remember being paid to be put on the shelf. Have I been optioned? Heaven forbid they cast me in this wretched piece, sans trees and natural surroundings.


  1. (^ poor tree.
    (^ you'd be welcome to sit on the shelves out at bruce bickford's place if you want massive amounts of lichen foliaged clay trunked branch riddled cousins for company.

  2. Thank you for the offer, Brian. I think? (no speaking role, I suppose..)
